Welcome to Romelegården

Romelegården is situated high on Romeleåsen with lovely air, babbling brooks and a private lake. All surrounded
by woodland and nature reserves.
Here is Romele Art Gallery where you can see art exhibitions during spring and autumn with artists especially from the Nordic countries. Just near the lake is a residential building and an annex located. It is for rent for short or long periods (now rented longterm).

Next exhibition:  Spring exhibition  2022,  15 – 24 april





Opening hours during exhibitions: Saturday, Sunday and holidays 11-16.   Wednesdays 16-19.


Note: Keep distance min. 1 M.  Hand desinfection at many stations.



Group Exhibitions Romele Konsthall with different techniques:   BT= Mixed media (stone, iron, paper etc.)  F= Photo (photo, computer graphics etc.)   G= Glass  K = Pottery (stoneware, sculptures, appliances etc.)  M = Painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor, graphics, chalk etc.)   S = Silver (jewelry, silverware etc.)   Sm= Metalwork   Tx = Textile  T= (Wooden sculptures, painting on wood, furnitures etc)  PM = Papier-Mache

Exhibitors info: Jurybedömd Utställning (Juried Exhibition)